Within just a few hours, turf grass sod transforms a yard from bare soil to a living carpet of grass, with mature density and a solid root system. It performs like an investment. Landscaping with turf grass sod instantly increases the market value of the property from 5% to 10%.
Enjoy the Good Life
Lawns established with turf grass sod are an immediate joy and source of pride, while lawns started with seed, take 2 to 3 years of constant effort and are frequently frustrating. Turf grown by Turf grass producers International members is the finest, most reliable grass available anywhere.
Create a Healthy Environment with Sod
In an instant, turf grass sod creates a soft, clean and safe playing surface for babies and ballgames alike. It reduces heat, glare, noise and odors. But most importantly, it cleans the air and helps recharge our groundwater supplies. Turf grass sod is one of nature’s finest, least expensive filters, working to improve the environment.
Solve Troublesome Site Problems with Sod
Because turf grass sod is fully mature the day it’s delivered, it can immediately control erosion even on steeply sloped areas, as it sinks down roots very rapidly. It can also be successfully installed over a very long season. Turf grass sod works when and where seed, sprigs or plugs would fail.
Fox Cities: Allouez WI 54301, Ashwaubenon WI 54304, 54313, Bellevue WI 54311, De Pere WI 54115, Denmark WI 54208, Green Bay WI 54229, 54301, 54302, 54303, 54304, 54305, 54306, 54307, 54308, 54311, 54313, 54324, 54344, Greenleaf WI 54126, Hobart WI 54115, 54155, 54313, Howard WI 54303, 54313, New Franken WI 54229, Oneida WI 54155, Pulaski WI 54162, Suamico WI 54173, Wrightstown WI 54180; Butte des Morts WI 54927, Eureka WI 54934, Larsen WI 54947, Menasha WI 54952, Neenah WI 54956, 54957, Omro WI 54963, Oshkosh WI 54901, 54902, Oshkosh WI 54903, 54904, 54906, Pickett WI 54964, Waukau WI 54980, Winnebago WI 54985, Winneconne WI 54986; Wausau WI 54401.